2024 Session Legislative Summary

Maine AAP was proud to lead Providers for Gun Safety along with Maine’s Gun Safety Coalition toward significant firearm reform with the successful passage of two pieces of legislation, LD 2224, “An Act to Strengthen Public Safety by Improving Maine's Firearm Laws and Mental Health System” and LD 2238, “An Act to Address Gun Violence in Maine by Requiring a Waiting Period for Certain Firearm Purchases.” Together these bills help close existing loop holes in Maine law by strengthening background checks and requiring a 72 hour waiting period before the purchase of a firearm.

Together with providers of sexual and reproductive health care, Maine AAP stood up for our patients and our colleagues in support of LD 227, “An Act Regarding Legally Protected Health Care Activity in the State.” This legislation provides legal protections from out-of-state actions against providers and patients when it comes to gender-affirming and reproductive health care. We are thrilled this bill passed and received the Governor’s approval here in Maine.

Unfortunately, many of our priorities did not make it across the finish line this legislative session. Most notably, LD 1215, “An Act to End the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products” , while passed in the Senate, never received a vote in the House. We remain committed to working with Maine’s Flavors Hook Kids Coalition to ensure all children have the chance to grow up tobacco-free. We hope to continue our efforts in passing this critical public health prevention policy.

Furthermore, in a harsh blow to ensuring access to the best, most effective cancer treatment for all Mainers, as well as treatments for other diseases, LD 1577, “ An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Biomarker Testing” suffered a pocket veto from Governor Mills. This bill was one of several dozen sent by the Senate to the Governor on the last day the Legislature met in May. Although its projected fiscal costs were minor (potentially at most $170,000 in the current biennium) the Governor has not signed the bill, meaning it will not become law. A high priority for Maine AAP, due to the critical impact biomarker testing has on pediatric cancer patients, we are deeply disappointed by the results of this two year campaign.